Everyone knows how to change a Windows screen and set it up to be in vertical (Portrait) mode. This becomes a bit trickier when using Android-based Digital Signage.
I’m sure everyone in this business understands the significance of the ability to change Digital Signage content to display professionally in Portrait mode. The ability to display in Portrait mode is one of the first requests by those who are looking to implement a digital signage project or campaign. Because of the growing use of Android based devices as Digital Signage players, the challenge to display in Portrait mode is becoming more and more critical. NoviSign provides a full solution for this need from the Digital Signage Android player end – we support this in full. But what is a simple effort on the Android tablet fails on the MK 802/808/908 Android devices that NoviSign’s customers are using. The software component is not sufficient, and the device must be configured to support a vertical display.
NoviSign is happy to reply to numerous requests and questions from our customers and partners and, as a public service, provide the following guide at https://www.novisign.com/android/vertical-screen/: “How to set NoviSign Digital signage to present on vertical mode”. You can see samples and print out the instructions.
Good luck in building your Signage campaign. We at NoviSign intend to issue more and more Android-based public services.