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Directly Import Your CANVA Content to NoviSign!

NoviSign users can now incorporate their stunning graphic designs, dynamic slides, company ad campaigns and instructional posters from CANVA directly into their NoviSign account at no additional cost!


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Upload with a single click

Select CANVA as your content source in our Media Center and then design and import your graphics into NoviSign.

Customizable & Quick

There are over 400,000 templates to choose from. Choose from our large selection of photos and movies to personalize, or upload your own.

Animated Slideshows

Create high-definition flyers, presentations, and corporate slides that feature eye-catching transitions and movement!

What exactly is CANVA?

CANVA is a simple yet powerful graphic design software that lets you create marketing visuals without the help of a graphic designer. With CANVA, you can easily design fantastic graphics, high-quality videos, posters, slides and more.

Because of its user-friendly design, useful tools like text animations, photo effects and simple publishing options, anyone can produce like a pro on CANVA.

CANVA Digital Signage

CANVA Digital Signage​

Take advantage of the best solution! NoviSign for content layout and management from afar and CANVA for graphic design. When it comes to design, you can use CANVA within NoviSign and then export it immediately into your NoviSign digital signage design. There will be no re-saving and re-importing, or extra effort. It only takes one click to complete the process!

How to use Canva with NoviSign digital signage?​

Canva was added to the new Media Center. You just need to enter the Media Center from the Creative Composer or from the Creatives tab, click the “Canva” button in the left and then press the “Upload media” button. This will take you inside your Canva account (you should have one if you like to use this feature) and you’ll be able to use the Canva inside the NoviSign Studio, create and add your images to the Media Center (or directly into a composed creative).

Canva digital signage

Set-up is a Breeze

Choose a Template

Professionally designed, customizable digital signage templates.

Make it your own

Edit, adjust and improve it to meet your requirements.

Save and Import

Import it into your NoviSign digital signage template by saving it.

Digital signage Canva

Advanced Transitions

Using the built-in transition effects, you can turn your slideshows into video-style presentations. Use what you find from our massive collection of stock pictures and clips. Also include rolling tickers, YouTube video playlists and live HTML websites.

Design & Control from afar

You can create, update and manage all of your CANVA digital signage content using NoviSign’s cloud-based digital signage platform.

Any of the following can be displayed in any order:

  • Animations and menu boards
  • Announcements
  • Advertisements
  • High-definition photos and slideshows
  • YouTube videos that loop
  • Feeds from the news and social media
  • Ticker streams that scroll
  • Websites and weather forecasts
  • Employee communication is critical.
  • Procedures for training News and policies
  • Bulletins from the company
Signage CMS Studio

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