Due to the recent changes in Twitter company and services which involves some major changes in the pricing, regulations and multiple methods, NoviSign digital signage cannot guarantee further support for Twitter API as we have been doing till now. However, in order to keep supporting this important social network even in a limited way, we keep exploring how to do so and support the Twitter API in its new form.
Therefore, at this point of time, the pricing and methods of working via the Twitter API are about to be changed: We are going to adjust ourselves and use the Twitter API in a way which will allow any user to use the Twitter API by self registering itself to the Twitter API service and then provide NoviSign with a Twitter API key which will then be integrated by NoviSign’s team into a specific user. By that, any user can have a similar functionality of Twitter in our digital signage platform as was till now.
For more information of how to do this, please contact our support team at support@novisign.com.