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Federal Tax Service in Russia Case Study

The Management Department of Federal Tax Service in Murmansk Russia Deploys Digital Signage to Improve Internal Communications

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Murmansk’s Federal Tax Branch is a Russian Regional branch that is accountable for carrying out state registration of legal entities, processing required tax payments, and handles bankruptcy case and procedures. With information and updates continually changing the need and importance to keep employees current was mandatory. After determining that digital signage was required to distribute on-demand messaging, Murmansk Federal Tax Service branch selected NoviSign’s cloud-based digital signage software.

The Challenge

Murmansk Federal Tax Service wanted a reliable solution that streamlined the way they shared information, news, employee birthdays, and updates. The system had to be easy to use and flexible. Also, content management had to be straightforward with the ability to make on the fly changes to content key remotely.

The Solution

After testing multiple digital signage software platforms, Murmansk selected NoviSign. Set-up on 43” screens on a portable stand with wheels, Murmansk strategically locates the screens in high-traffic locations in which employee congregate. The content consists of multiple slides and templates that rotate through featuring a wide variety of media and messaging.

Popular widgets used include:

  • Scrolling news feeds• Scrolling news feeds
  • Multi-component slideshows
  • Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
  • HD videos


“NoviSign is the best. The most significant advantage is complete remote control and, if necessary, instant updating of the material. NoviSign allows us interactively and simply show any content. Preparation of materials takes a minimum of time. The program interface is simple and convenient.

We use NoviSign to demonstrate materials on the TV screen, which contain the main news of our organization and congratulations on the birthday for employees.”

“Thank you very much, developers and owners of the software NoviSign for the quality product!”

– Specialist of Information Technology Department Management of Federal Tax Service of Murmansk Area Russia

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