The NoviGames team keeps developing nice, social, new games. Hot from our kitchen, we are happy to offer Say – a funny game made for Android on big screens.

Say NoviGame
NoviSign games are made for all ages and are suitable for a wide variety of places and situations. They are easy to be set and operated and can be controlled by any smartphone you have.

Our new Say game, like any other NoviGame, was designed to appear on all sizes of screens connected to Android or Chrome OS device. What do you need to do? Sign into NoviSign’s Studio, drag and drop the games widget onto the screen, select the game you want and you can start playing!





Yup, it was never easier before!

Our new Say game is ready for you to use and all you need to do is just few simple steps to make it up and running on your TV screen:

1. Enter to a new blank creative in the online Studio.

2. Drag the games widget from the left widget arsenal to the canvas:

Say NoviGame - step1

3. Select the Say game from the NoviGames library:

Say NoviGame - step2

4. Edit the Say on the screen combining any other widget you want. You can alter the Say widget properties in the right pane if you like to change anything:

Say NoviGame - step3

5. Save the creative.

6. Create a playlist (set enough time for the game slide, such as 9999 seconds, so you’ll have enough time to play):

Say NoviGame - step4

7. Create a player.

Add the screen (player) key to the device running the digital signage app and you are ready to rock and roll!


Want to build a dedicated game just for your product or company? That’s no problem with NoviSign! Use our SDK to build your own games on the NoviSign platform of ask our Professional service team to customize a game for you or to build a brand new game. Feel free to contact us for more details:

Game on!