NoviSign is proud to announce the release of a new and exciting widget – Facebook!

The new widget joins the existing set of drag & drop widgets easily added to a Digital Signage campaign, enabling users to broadcast Facebook page albums on the screen(s) in their Digital Signage networks.

The simplicity of implementation (drag & drop to the screen, Facebook authentication, and it is ready!) and immediate presence on the Digital Signage network make this tool the perfect solution for ‘near real time’ marketing updates, from a real-time picture of a celeb entering a club to fresh photographs from a trip to India displayed on the travel agency office Digital Signage.

From today, any business, of any size, can harness its Facebook activity to the customer experience on the premises and provide close to real-time updates and messages. With NoviSign, you be able to connect between the virtual world of the Internet and ‘real life’ location-based experiences.

The options are endless, and we are certain, as always, that our customers will find creative usages of the widget we haven’t even thought about.

NoviSign is committed to innovation. We will continue adding functionality to the Facebook widget while promising new and exciting widget releases every now and then.

For more info, visit us at