enterprise digital signage

For enterprise digital signage, you need a solution that is scalable, powerful, secure and easy-to-use. From an application standpoint, the enterprise digital signage solution must support the ever-changing communications needs of each location’s screen. 

For example, within a corporate facility, you’ve got welcome screens in the lobby, meeting room displays outside of conference rooms, digital menu boards in the corporate cafeteria, and break room screens with live TV, internal communications and company information. All of these locations are different and require unique and fresh content.

To be effective, you need a cloud-based digital signage software that can support the unique communications needs of each location. From an admin management perspective, the enterprise digital signage solution needs to support the ability to create and manage sub-user accounts.

Flexible and Intuitive

NoviSign offers a fast and easy way to create stunning enterprise digital signage from anywhere. Even if you’re not tech-savvy using our cloud-based digital signage software, and any Android, Chrome, or Windows digital signage player, you can turn any display or kiosk into digital signage.

Free-Form Design Studio

From any computer, at any time, you can access NoviSign’s design studio. In the studio, you will be able to design, edit, update all of your enterprise digital signage screens. The interface is designed for the average user that has no experience with graphic design.

Media Rich Content

Using our online design studio and our intuitive drag-and-drop widgets , create visually engaging content. Create multi-zone layouts that contain scrolling tickers, slideshows, RSS feeds, live data streams, metric dashboards streaming from PowerBi, local area traffic reports, weather updates, RSS feeds, social media feeds and more!

Complete Library of Templates

From a content creation standpoint, you can either create a layout from scratch or choose from over 200+ professionally designed digital signage templates. Corporate communications, healthcare, retail, hospitality and education are just some of the template categories that we have available.

The zones and overall layout of each template can be, or you can swap out the media and messaging with your content.

Playlists, Scheduling and Multi-Location Updates

No enterprise digital signage would be complete without the ability to create playlists and preschedule your content to play. From setting expiration dates to recurring schedules, you can create advanced playlists that auto-up-date across all screens as you update your content. 

After you have your playlists created, you can update each screen individually, or you create groups of screens to update hundreds of displays all with one click!

Remote Monitoring

Once you have your content deployed, knowing if the enterprise digital signage updated is critical. Using the reports dashboard, you can quickly view the status of all your screens, the time the downloaded content last and what playlist is assigned to each screen. 

If you need to view play reports, you can run detailed proof of play reports that contain the playback numbers of each media file, playtime and the number of screens each media file played on.

Admin Management Console

Using the management console, an admin can create users, assign licenses and set permissions. This makes the overall process for setting up new user accounts efficient and fast. Also, you can set-up shared accounts that allow users to share specific zones of content with other users so they can make updates to only a particular section. This high-level layer of enterprise digital signage control is a must when it comes to multi-location, multi-screen deployments.

About NoviSign

NoviSign a cloud-based digital signage software provider with over 20,000 screens deployed globally across 5 continents. From complete support to systems up and running 99.99% of the time, NoviSign offers the best in class enterprise digital signage solutions.

From a single corporate location to offices all around you can use NoviSign to unify your communications strategy so the right messages are displayed exactly at the right time at the right location.

Remove the complexity of enterprise digital signage and start fresh with NoviSign, the worlds easiest to use digital signage software today!

Looking to learn more? Contact us today for more information!