White Label is a technical term for the usage of product (traditional product, or as many times in the modern technological world, refers to hardware and/or software). This allows companies, businesses or even private individuals, to make use of the product/software (if allowed, under White Label agreement) for internal usage or even for commercial purposes (White Label re-seller).

The white label software approach is very popular in the past few decades, and especially in the last 5 – 8 years as the Cloud/SaaS technology became more popular. This business arrangement allows businesses to build their own services business with limited investment, without the investing millions on development and maintenance of a full scale product.

Digital signage is one of the domains in which white label digital signage software is very popular. Strong signage software allow partners to use their software as a ‘White Label’ using their own branding and providing direct service to end users, without them realizing that the service provider of signage is not the owner of the digital signage software. The secret is simple – if the white label partner is capable of providing a clear added value – localization, support, hardware and software configuration, content creation, management and more – the end customer will be satisfied and will not have any motivation to look ‘under the hood’.
White label digital signage Studio
Digital signage projects are complicated projects; they require a trust between the customer and the system Integrator. Digital signage software is only one part, important as it, but still a part of the project. A system Integrator can easily use a white label digital signage software solution, removing the software development ‘head ache’ from himself and still bring lots of value to his customers.
Some software providers even allow their strongest and biggest partners to influence their development road map.

NoviSign is offering a white labeled digital signage software product, based on SaaS technology, with over 100 partners around the world.

Using our digital signage software, a reseller can customize the experience and online Studio of his users, like: default and selected languages, logos, domain URL, administrative links, user profiles, initial creative and media items, having customized templates and customized links (i.e. YouTube and RSS feeds).

NoviSign is calling you to build your digital signage business with us.

Gil M.