As usual, in this type of question there is the short answer and there is the long… The short answer is, to my humble opinion, a clear and definite YES.

For the long answer, we need to ask ourselves what is the benefit of presenting Google docs elements on my digital signage screens, what is the value, what problem does it solve and not less important – what are the risks and disadvantages.
Google docs in digital signage
Businesses are using Digital Signage solutions for external (for clients, visitors) and internal (employees, providers) communication, since two decades ago and more. It started with simple videos and images presented on the screens, managed by DVD players, later on disk-on-key, moving to dynamic, IP based CMS (Content Management System) and evolved into rich, interactive and social capabilities we have today. One problem was always “an issue” – how we keep the info fresh and relevant at all times? The problem is solved by many ways, but it seems like keeping fresh dynamic data – remains somewhat a challenge.

Data like sales, number of deals/encounters/leads/etc., calculations based on other internal (and even external date) and so on, was hard to keep up. The integration of digital signage big screen and Google docs did put an end to this. When an authorized user is changing the data – it is immediately reflected on the digital signage screen. The information and the calculated data is always fresh and up-to-date as the systems it relies on. So simple, so effective.

If you wonder how this is done, here is how to share a spreadsheet on the screen and here is how to share a presentation on the big screen.

Google docs are all about sharing the information with whoever is relevant. If the information is not confidential, or presented in an authorized environment (such as in the internal meeting room of the organization), it makes the digital signage screen as relevant as any other user – share is by the digital signage player – it is shared with the relevant audience.

And here is where the risk lies – it is so easy to fall into the trap of too much sharing, forget that some information cannot be shared on the public signage screens. Another important risk is security breech – sharing Google docs with digital signage can open the doors to many users to make all sorts of damage, from foolish mistake up to frustrated employee. The google docs share requires a tight management of users and privileges, from the digital signage admin. Better do it for view only.

So, the long version comes to the same conclusion – YES. Just keep in mind the potential risks.
