This week we released a new version of the native Android player app (v4.4.96) and a new version of the Windows app (v4.4.97).

Touch transitions - launch websiteAdditions to the Android and Windows player apps:

  1. Added setting to control the transition speed in case of touch event.
  2. Added setting to control the transition speed in case of any other event (i.e. IoT keyboard event). This is effective only in the Android app, as the Windows app has no ability to get external events
  3. Added support for the new option “Launch website” of any touch widget or touch property action menu. To read more about touch abilities, please read this comprehensive post.

Additions to the Chrome OS player app:

  1. Chrome OS player app will be released very soon (v4.4.96) and will have same new abilities as mentioned above for the Android app.

Touch and event transitions settings:
In your app you’ll find the following new settings under the “Advanced” block of settings:

  • Event Transitions – This section controls the touch and event transitions.
  • * Touch Transitions – Overrides the default transition settings for touch events only. The default is off.
  • ** Touch Transition Duration – The touch transition duration in milliseconds. The default is 2000. Setting it to 1 millisecond will be the fastest possible transition.
  • ** Touch Skip Video Ready – Ability to start the transition without waiting for the video readiness (in Android it’s instantly). The default in Android is off and in Windows it’s on.
  • * Event Transitions – Overrides the default transition settings for all other events (mainly keyboard events. The default is off.
  • ** Event Transition Duration – The event transition duration in milliseconds. The default is -1. Setting it to 1 millisecond will be the fastest possible transition.
  • ** Event Skip Video Ready – Ability to start the transition without waiting for the video readiness (in Android it’s instantly). The default is off.
