BrightSign Network

The BrightSign Network is BrightSign’s paid subscription cloud digital signage service. It consists of BrightAuthor, BrightPlates and cloud hosting called BrightSign network.


BrightAuthor is BrightSign’s version of digital signage software. The interface allows users to design very basic digital signage content. It includes a limited set of media design functions that are setup in a similar format to drag-and-drop widgets for creating and uploading content.

After you have the content created you can create playlists that can be set to play on specific dates and schedules. The playlists can then be sent to the BrightSign media players. You can send the content locally via SD cards or if you’ve subscribed to the BrightSign network you can send via your updates via the cloud.

If you need to monitor your digital signage players you can track the status of the displays while performing entry-level admin functions.


BrightSigns BrightPlates is a paid online website that allows users to choose from and edit digital signage templates. A subscription to the BrightSign Network is required in order to use BrightPlates. The templates allow for editing of text, images and videos. You can not freely rearrange the layout. Categories of templates include menus, education, retail and corporate.


The BrightSign Network (now called BSN.Cloud) is BrightSign’s version of cloud digital signage. Its features and capabilities are entry-level and not the most user-friendly. At the end of the day, BrightSign is a hardware manufacturer. BrightSign specializes in designing and manufacturing digital signage players that are reliable and last long, not digital signage software.

Your digital signage is only as good as your content and the software that is remotely controlling it. Before making a decision about BrightSign or any other digital signage media player make sure you truly evaluate the digital signage software that is used to update the players.