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Digital Shelf Labels Case Study

DSL (Digital Shelf Labels) Price Displays case study in Edeka supermarket. Smart solution for pricing, information and marketing on the shelves

Digital shelf labels

Edeka – a major supermarket chain in Germany

The Challenge

At Edeka, as with any other standard supermarket, paper price labels and shelf signage are produced, printed and replaced on the shelves by the employees.
Any change in the product or its price requires reprinting of the labels placed on the shelves and sometimes such a change is needed several times a week, not to mention special sales occasion events. This process is significant time and resource consuming, not very esthetic and not environment friendly.

Before LCD shelf displays

The Solution – the next generation of shelf labels!

NoviSign developed a smart solution for pricing, information and marketing on the shelves. An effective solution to manage price changes, campaigns and coupons synchronized with POS systems through NoviSign special cloud platform and to eliminate the use of paper stickers.

The Edeka Solution

In a joint decision with our customer, it was decided to start the process by replacing the 300 existing wine labels of a key shelf in the wine section.
In favor of replacing the 300 labels, NoviSign installed 40 High Definition and very narrow shelf screens that communicate remotely with the NoviSign software and display multimedia content.
A kiosk stand has also been installed, to provide more detailed information such as the price of the selected bottle, which can be scanned and checked by the shopper independently. This Kiosk stands out and also serves as an advertising platform, underlining the brand and design of Edeka.
The NoviSign’s solution is based on advanced technology which integrates between software and service. The solution includes an Android application player that is installed over the shelf screens and a player that synchronizes with NoviSign’s CMS (content management system) for downloading content.

Digital Shelf Labels Creator Studio

The NoviSign player pulls the labels’ data from a pricing server and the matching is done by assigning a unique ID from the system to each shelf display. Then labels are assigned to the shelf display by associating the barcode of the product to the on-screen label using the NoviSign Studio CMS or mobile app.

Digital Shelf Labels Creator Studio
The NoviSign CMS allows our customers to create media-rich digital signage content in a very simple and friendly way. It allows drag-and-drop widgets such as images, videos, vibrant slideshows, RSS feeds, scrolling text tickers, webpages, interactive polls, virtual queue, Instagram and Twitter feeds, YouTube streams and more. The result of using these advanced tools is high-level content presented in a dynamic design including videos and other unique visuals. This conspicuous content, combined with the high-quality screens, allows the creation of an outstanding shopping experience in the store.

Digital shelf edge display

The Results

Due to the NoviSign solution, pricing at the Edeka wine section is updated automatically in real-time. This is significantly more efficient for employees and simplifies their work.
From the shoppers’ point of view, there is a direct engagement with them at the point of sale. This engagement upgrades the shoppers’ experience in the store on many levels: it prevents misunderstanding at checkout in case of a wrong price label on the product and detailed product information such as ingredients, nutritional value, price per unit conversion, expiry date or promotions of other products that related to it are available for them. All this ensures convenience and efficiency, as well as the opportunity to deliver promotion information in-store – in real-time, at the point of decision and this was reflected in sales increase.

Before and after

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